Saturday, December 31, 2016
"Happy New Year" - Finally
"Happy New year" may have new meaning to many Americans this time around. I didn't plan to start writing again, but the disrespect shown for our new president and the intense hate and hysteria on the left is so ridiculous that I had to blurt out my reaction to it all. The "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and the pathological detestation for our new president is unprecedented.
Stated differently, democrats are going nuts. They've tried everything from "The Russians ate my homework" to attempts to turn the delegates against the will of the voters at the convention. Nothing has worked. Now they plan to resist the new president, de-legitimize his presidency, and destroy everything he attempts to do until they can get him out of office.
Our man-child president is creating as many obstacles in the next president's path as possible to make Trump's new job more difficult. Obama's latest is the betrayal of our closest ally, Israel, at the United Nations this past week. This will be difficult for Trump to untangle. Obama and his people are like petulant and disappointed children who didn't get a pony for Christmas. Obviously the task of prying freedom from liberal fascism is going to be like prying an abalone from a rock.
The right is always accused of intolerance, but who is really intolerant?
Has anyone ever seen conservatives rioting in the streets and threatening to kill those who disagree with them? Has anyone ever seen tea party conservatives burning businesses, destroying police cars, and beating liberals with protest signs that say "Support Tolerance or I'll Kill You?" Have those on the right ever demonstrated the degree of hate and vitriol that we are seeing on the left?
American family members have become adversaries and friendships have terminated due to the ideological chasm that separates them. There were empty chairs at dinner tables all over America this Thanksgiving.
Even the media has come out of the shadows and tossed off any pretense of objectivity to push the liberal ideology. The media was always on the left, but now in their desperation they don't care who knows it.
College kids, sometimes known as "snow flakes," are given safe zones where they can cry, vent their terror with primal screams, and hug each other over the pain of losing the chance for a woman president and their fear of a man in the White House or because everyone else is crying. They'll hug your leg if you get too close to them. Cornell University even held a "cry in." Remember - This is the group the polls call "educated" that vote democrat.
Coloring books, modeling clay, and hot chocolate are provided to the college kids and grief counselors are available for consolation. Contrast these wimps with other kids their age who are in the military fighting for their country, many coming home in body bags.
Even liberal adults are in shock, disbelief and hysteria. They're crying and hugging too. Hollywood entertainers are pleading for help. Some are threatening to leave America. Money has poured in to pay for their trip. After living in a dark intellectual vacuum for so long, their eyes can't adjust to the light.
Now the good news. Our leaders are currently being chosen based on their qualifications, maturity, and experience rather than on the basis of race and gender. Alpha males are finally taking the reins and it's terrifying to those on the left. In a feminized culture it is apparently a shock when "daddy" comes home.
It's time to realize that there are no "safe zones" left in the world. Unisex bathrooms and transgender rights are actually less important than dealing with Islamic beheadings and threats from China. Sadly only half of the country understands this.
America's new father figure is someone who has been exceptionally successful; someone who surrounds himself with experts and knows how to lead, how to delegate, and how to build. Quite a difference from a community organizer who never held a job.
I once had a home in Scotts Valley in the hills close to Santa Cruz. Several years ago we had a devastating fire that worked its way up to the summit. There were sad stories about ranchers opening their barn doors to allow their horses to escape the flames. Unfortunately the horses were so comfortable in their confinement and afraid of freedom that they returned to the barns where they felt secure and died when the fire took down the barn.
My advice to the hysterical left is to study the issues and our new president's positions on those issues and compare them to Hillary's positions, if you can nail one or two down, and decide intelligently why you want to stay in the barn.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Points to Ponder
My previous blog
opened the door to questions about the universe and how it may have begun. Evidently this topic doesn't interest as many
readers as I thought, so I've decided to discontinue my planned series on this
subject. But I do want to hit a few major
points before I leave the topic.
Here is my
main point: Many people believe that science and the Bible are mutually exclusive, have to believe one or the other.
I believe that science and religion are not enemies, but actually support
each other. However it's necessary to consider many of the statements and stories
in the Bible metaphorically. That's not
to imply that the Bible is not the inspired word of God. I just mean that some things are not to be
taken literally. Jesus referred to himself
as "the door." Was that a literal description or a metaphor?
I pointed
out previously that there is no such thing as "settled science." Science constantly changes as more and more
information becomes available. So if
there appears to be a gap between science and the Bible, it could be a
misunderstanding of the scripture or perhaps lag time on the part of science to
fill the gap.
assume that the Big Bang Theory is basically correct. In the early 20th century, astronomer Edwin
Hubble applying the Doppler effect noted
that light from distant galaxies shifts toward the red end of the spectrum
indicating an expanding universe. He calculated that everything in the
universe, including matter, energy, space and even time itself, actually had a
beginning. Creation or the big bang didn't take place in time. Time began when there was matter and motion.
Hawking, the most famous living scientist, in his book, "Grand
Design", says the laws of physics explain the creation of the universe. "Because there is a law such as gravity,
the universe can and will create itself out of nothing." But Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Genome
project, argues that gravity is "something," therefore gravity and
the laws of physics nullify Hawking's definition of "nothing." And how or by whom were the laws of physics
Dr. John
Lennox, British scientist and mathematician,
in his book, "God and Stephen Hawking" says, "The laws of
physics can explain how the jet engine works, but not how it came to exist in
the first place."
I don't
want to sound like a preacher, but it is true that the universe had to either
have a creator or it must be explained by science. I want to consider some options.
scientists believed that our universe
never had a beginning. They
believed that mass, space and energy had always existed in time, but the big
bang theory offered another option. The
term "big bang" was used sarcastically by British astronomer Sir Fred
Hoyle, who held tenaciously to the idea that the universe had always existed. But the
scientific evidence of a beginning became overwhelming.
Dr. George
Smoot, the Nobel Prize winning scientist who came up with the big bang theory
said that a parallel exists between the big bang theory and the Christian
notion of creation. Smoot was an
agnostic, so he was comfortable sitting on the fence. (metaphor)
important to realize that science has its limitations and is not the only path
to knowledge and truth. Einstein said,
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is
blind." I said previously that
science and religion confirm each other but require an adequate understanding
of both.
So here are
some options:
Atheism eliminates
the possibility of a creator or a supreme intelligence behind the
universe. Stephen Hawking would be in
this category.
Agnosticism is not
sure about a Creator, like George Smoot.
Deism is the belief that God set the universe in
motion but does not interfere with how it runs.
This notion began in the 17th and 18th century and is common today. Thomas Jefferson was a deist.
Theism is the
belief that God created the universe.
The difference from deism is that God didn't stop there. He continues to
be involved in his creation and in the lives of human beings.
There are
subcategories to consider. There is the New
Earth position initiated by James Ussher, an Anglican Archbishop, who dated our
earth's age at roughly 6,000 years with six literal days of creation.
biologist Philip Goss, back in1857 tried
to explain the scientific evidence of an old earth with the idea that God
created the earth in six 24 hour days with the appearance of age. God just made it look old. But this implies
that God is a trickster.
the old earth belief, many of the problems with the Genesis account can be
ameliorated if it is understood that there could be millions of years between
the first verse, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,"
and the second verse and those describing the days of creation that follow. There are several theories about the order and
sequence of the days described as well.
took "morning" and "evening" figuratively, for example. John
Lennox says that the Bible ". . . leaves the time of creation open."
I've tossed
out some ideas to think about. I know
that we'll never have all the answers, but, personally I find it impossible to
believe in design without a designer.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Who lit the match?
I've been goaded
to come out of my catatonic stupor and write something. There are a ton of topics I'd like to
address, but I'm trying to stay away from the dismal condition of America and the
ominous paradigm shifts we are seeing on the world stage. If I state what I really think, my house
would be destroyed by a drone.
refuge can be found in the contemplation of bigger things. I've always had an
insatiable cosmological curiosity, i.e. questions regarding the origin and
nature of the universe from a philosophical perspective.
How did it
all begin? And why? Do we exist by design or are we here by
accident, magic, or the result of an ambitious amoeba in a primordial mud
puddle? I've always thought that if a
human being woke up to find himself or herself on a deserted island the first
thing that would come to mind would be "Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here?" Yet people jump in their cars and head off to
work, come home, crack open a beer, and turn on the TV considering nothing more
consequential than if Kaeperrnick will hold his job with the Niners.
So how did
it all begin? There seems to be agreement
that there was nothing prior to what many believe was the big bang. The idea is that the original configuration
of the universe was a state of infinite density where all mass, space, time and
energy were contained in a single mathematical point with no dimensions. That's easy for me to say, but to completely
comprehend it is above my intellectual pay grade.
Then came
the big bang and the universe exploded into time, space, matter, and motion. This
means that the universe had a beginning.
If my memory still works, I think Einstein said that without matter and
its motion there could be no time and space.
So time didn't exist prior to this explosive event.
learned not to put all my money on scientific consensus, because science is constantly changing. New information can change a hypothesis. For example, we are told that man-made
climate change is "settled science," but those words are never spoken
by a true scientist for the reasons I just stated. There is no such thing as "settled science." I think the
"settled science" sometime around the '70s was that the world was
headed for another ice age.
Prior to
Galileo scientists and religious leaders had a geocentric view of the universe.
That's the belief that the earth was the
center of our galaxy. As you know, Galileo
paid a price for his heliocentric view that the sun is the center of our solar
system. Many more thoughtful scientist today understand that the sun and other factors
control climate more than an SUV or outdoor barbeque. Climate has been in flux since that big bang
or whatever kicked off the program.
So what
caused the big bang? And why? How did
that initial configuration come into existence? Philosopher Bertrand Russell,
who was an atheist, took the easy way and stated that the universe was just
there and that's all there is to it. More
importantly to many is the idea that science has usurped the biblical account
of creation. Or has it provided a
scientific explanation that fits perfectly with the creation account?
thing I've learned is that where it appears that there is a conflict between
science and the Bible, it is due to an
incorrect interpretation of the words in the Bible or changes in science.
Perhaps the
most common error many people make is to take every word in the Bible
literally. The writers use metaphors
throughout the Bible in order to communicate to readers at every intellectual
and educational level. For example, is
it logical to think that God came to our planet in a physical form, dug around
in the mud, made a "mud man" called Adam, blew air in his nose
turning him into a living person, then ripped out a rib and turned it into a
woman? (If a man told his wife that she
had the value of one of his ribs, the guy would be banned from her "Garden
of Eden" and relegated to the couch.)
talking about the Creator of this vast universe. If He created the universe by His word, why
would He need to become human and get muddy? Or is it more accurate to take
that story metaphorically? The
conclusion is the same. The first thing
we need to do is to get rid of the notion that science and the Bible are in
conflict. The more we learn, the more
they seem to reinforce each other.
article was meant to look at theories from science and religion regarding how
we got here, but the debate moderator is indicating my time is up and I've
barely started. If there is any interest
in this stuff, I'll pick it up next time.
And if you have ideas or questions send a note to me at
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Olivia de Havilland |
Recently Gayle and I watched a documentary on
the making of "Gone with the Wind."
Gayle is into old films, especially black and white movies. She likes
the old "film noir" stuff.
She looks
at these films through an artist's eye. She's
interested in scene composition, the use of light, shadows, contrast, and other
subtleties found in black and white films.
She believes that color covers
imperfections in films. In addition, with
the absence of graphic sex, violence, and profanity, the old films put the emphasis
on plot, acting, dialogue, and artistic quality. I'll admit, I'm beginning to enjoy the old
films for the same reasons.
What goes
on behind the scenes in movie-making always intrigues me, so I found the making
of the classic 1939 film, "Gone with the Wind" by producer David O.
Selznick very interesting. (The
"O" in his name was only added by Selznick to create a certain rhythm
to his full name.)
More people in the world have seen
"Gone with the Wind" than any other movie in history. The year 1939 was called the "Golden
Year" for films. "The Wizard of Oz," "Gone with the Wind,"
and John Wayne's first staring role in
"Stage Coach" were just three of many classics that were born in 1939.
Since a former Los
Gatos High School
graduate played the role of Melanie Hamilton in "Gone with the Wind",
my interest in the film increased significantly. Olivia de Havilland had only been out of
high school five years when she was chosen for her role in "Gone with the
Wind." She and her sister Joan
Fontaine both attended Los Gatos High.
Both sisters had moved with their mother to Saratoga, California,
after their British parents divorced in 1919.
Olivia de
Havilland is now 100 years old and has lived in Paris, France,
since the mid-fifties. Some interesting facts:
Her sister and she were both nominated for Oscars in the same year. She
lost an Oscar to her sister in 1941, which caused problems in their relationship
that were never resolved.
Olivia had
a "thing" for Errol Flynn, which was reciprocated, but neither was
aware of their mutual feelings. She had romances with James Stewart, Howard
Hughes, and John Huston back in the thirties. Olivia also received the National
Medal of Arts award from President Bush in 2008.
Gayle took the photo of Olivia at the Los Gatos centennial celebration, where she was the featured speaker. She was 72 years old in the photo and still a pretty woman.
My memories of Olivia go back to when I was in the six or seventh grade. I was actually in a play. I didn't volunteer. They needed a trumpet player and somehow I was conscripted and I'm sure I went kicking and screaming. The play was "Macbeth", directed by Olivia de Havilland and performed in the high school auditorium, if my memory is correct.
The fact
that Olivia would direct a play for the Los
Gatos community when she was at the peak of her fame, demonstrates
her loyalty and attachment to her Alma Mater and the town of her youth. I think she had taken a break from acting to
raise her children during that particular time. I can't find any record of that play and am
writing what I remember.
Back to the
Macbeth - I was asked to play a fanfare on my trumpet and announce the entrance
of some king. I had to be dressed for
the period, so I had to wear leotards as part of the costume. I
looked like a court jester and was more concerned with my skinny legs than the
play. I was also in some of the group
scenes, but always in the back. That was my one and only experience as a
thespian. Even the word scares me.
I had no
idea who the Director was and thought her to be old, but very kind and
encouraging. She was in her
mid-thirties, but to a pre-teen I guess that's old. I only learned who Olivia de Havilland was
when I was much older. This is one of many times I wish I could go back in
while watching TV I'll say to Gayle, "Did I tell you that I was once 'directed' by Olivia de Havilland?" Sometimes she'll patronize me and say
something like, "Oh, really? Did
you get an Oscar for blowing a fanfare?"
I think
she's heard so many of my stories from the past that while listening to me tell
one she's heard, she'll just hold up the appropriate number of fingers for the
times she's heard the story. She says
nothing. She just holds up the fingers. As the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield would
say, "I don't get no respect."
Sunday, July 26, 2015
The Perfect Analogy
following was evidently written by a UAL Captain. I haven't changed a word.
of this in the context of Obama's statement prior to his first election when he
stated that he would dramatically change America. He is succeeding by going around Congress,
the Constitution, and the people. It's
not ineptitude or incompetence, as many believe. It's something much worse.
article is worthy of serious thought no matter where you stand on the political
spectrum. Unfortunately half the country
is oblivious to anything beyond a cell phone and social media. But they vote.
From a former Navy fighter pilot and a retired UAL Captain
"We are all flying on the Germanwings plane, with a twisted pilot at the
controls. Will we just wait, and assume the "Crash Position"?
"The 'real' pilot was locked out of the cockpit.
"That set of circumstances finally revealed the full horror of the crash
of Germanwings flight 9525. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz waited for the
pilot to leave the cockpit, then locked the door to prevent his
re-entry. Then Lubitz, for reasons unknown and perhaps unknowable,
deliberately steered the jet into a harrowing 8-minute plunge ending in
an explosive 434 mph impact with a rocky mountainside. 150 men,women and children met an immediate, unthinkably violent death.
"Lubitz, in his single-minded madness, couldn't be stopped because
anyone who could change the jet's disastrous course was locked out.
"It's hard to imagine the growing feelings of fear and helplessness that
the passengers felt as the unforgiving landscape rushed up to meet
"Hard ... but not impossible.
"Because America is in trouble. We feel the descent in the pits of our
"We hear the shake and rattle of structures stressed beyond their
limits. We don't know where we're going anymore, but do know it isn't
good. And above all, we feel helpless because Barack Obama has locked us out.
locked the American people out of his decision to seize the
national healthcare system.
From a former Navy fighter pilot and a retired UAL Captain
"We are all flying on the Germanwings plane, with a twisted pilot at the
controls. Will we just wait, and assume the "Crash Position"?
"The 'real' pilot was locked out of the cockpit.
"That set of circumstances finally revealed the full horror of the crash
of Germanwings flight 9525. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz waited for the
pilot to leave the cockpit, then locked the door to prevent his
re-entry. Then Lubitz, for reasons unknown and perhaps unknowable,
deliberately steered the jet into a harrowing 8-minute plunge ending in
an explosive 434 mph impact with a rocky mountainside. 150 men,women and children met an immediate, unthinkably violent death.
"Lubitz, in his single-minded madness, couldn't be stopped because
anyone who could change the jet's disastrous course was locked out.
"It's hard to imagine the growing feelings of fear and helplessness that
the passengers felt as the unforgiving landscape rushed up to meet
"Hard ... but not impossible.
"Because America is in trouble. We feel the descent in the pits of our
"We hear the shake and rattle of structures stressed beyond their
limits. We don't know where we're going anymore, but do know it isn't
good. And above all, we feel helpless because Barack Obama has locked us out.

"Locked us out when we wanted to know
why the IRS was attacking conservatives.
"He locked us out of having a say in
his decision to tear up our immigration laws, and to give over a trillion dollars
in benefits to those who broke those laws.
"Obama locked out those who advised against premature troop withdrawals.
"Obama locked out those who advised against premature troop withdrawals.
"Locked out the intelligence agencies
who issued warnings about the growing threat of ISIS.
"And, of course, Barack Obama has now locked out Congress,the
American people, and our allies as he strikes a secret deal with Iran to determine the timeline (not prevention) of their acquisition of
nuclear weapons.
"Was Andreas Lubitz depressed, insane, or abysmally evil when he decided to lock that cockpit door and listen to no voices other than those in his head? Did he somehow believe himself to be doing the right thing?
"The voice recordings from the doomed aircraft reveal that as the jet
began its rapid descent, the passengers were quiet. There was probably
some nervous laughter, confusion, a bit of comforting chatter with
seatmates, followed by a brief period in which anxiety had not yet
metastasized into terror.
"It was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally
understood what was really happening. Only near the end when they began to scream.
"Like those passengers, a growing number of Americans feel a helpless
dread as they come to the inescapable conclusion that our nation's
decline is an act of choice rather than of chance. The choice of one
man who is in full control of our 8-year plunge.
"Lubitz was a nutcase. But now we are on a 'plane' piloted by a
narcissistic megalomaniac who has locked everyone out of his cockpit.
"It is very sad that our first African American President will be judged
in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive,
destructive, and divisive President ever. A man twice elected because
of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.
"Was Andreas Lubitz depressed, insane, or abysmally evil when he decided to lock that cockpit door and listen to no voices other than those in his head? Did he somehow believe himself to be doing the right thing?
"The voice recordings from the doomed aircraft reveal that as the jet
began its rapid descent, the passengers were quiet. There was probably
some nervous laughter, confusion, a bit of comforting chatter with
seatmates, followed by a brief period in which anxiety had not yet
metastasized into terror.
"It was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally
understood what was really happening. Only near the end when they began to scream.
"Like those passengers, a growing number of Americans feel a helpless
dread as they come to the inescapable conclusion that our nation's
decline is an act of choice rather than of chance. The choice of one
man who is in full control of our 8-year plunge.
"Lubitz was a nutcase. But now we are on a 'plane' piloted by a
narcissistic megalomaniac who has locked everyone out of his cockpit.
"It is very sad that our first African American President will be judged
in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive,
destructive, and divisive President ever. A man twice elected because
of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.
"Electing the former First Lady as president, who also happens to be
a narcissistic megalomaniac, because she is a woman will likewise result in the continued practice of semantics over
substance and deception over reality."
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