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On my original 1969 Triumph somewhere in Yugoslavia |
I ran across an old photo of my
International Drivers License and another of my 1969 Triumph motorcycle and me
while touring Yugoslavia . Of course, it’s not Yugoslavia anymore, but this
picture was taken in 1969 when the country was still under Tito, who was
considered a “benevolent dictator” until his death in 1980. Yugoslavia was dissolved in 1992,
but I will admit that when I traveled there in ’69, it was one of the most
interesting places I visited.
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Part of my International Drivers License |
riding through Austria ,
where people wore the old fashioned styles of lederhosen and colorful dresses, I was struck by the fact that everyone wore black when I crossed into Yugoslavia. It was a dramatic contrast.
There were no cars on the road where I
traveled, but there were ox carts and people walking. There were also men and women working in
fields, stacking hay on wagons pulled by horses or oxen. As I recall, there were more women forking
hay onto wagons than men.
I was also
struck by the fact that stores only carried one make of each item, whether it
was shoes or food. I guess shopping was
easy. If you wanted shoes, you bought
what the government provided. No
ambiguity or confusion there.
There were nine countries I visited
on my motorcycle, including Italy ,
Spain , Switzerland , France ,
Germany , Denmark , Sweden ,
Austria and Yugoslavia . Since my friend, who had planned to meet me
at the Hofbrau House in Munich ,
couldn’t leave his new German girlfriend, I ended up traveling alone for weeks
on end. I traveled through interesting countries back when each was unique with their own
currency and customs. Sadly, it’s not
like that anymore.
It should be added that I bought my
motorcycle in Copenhagen , Denmark , where their tax was 100%
on purchases for the Danes under socialism. Imagine paying 100% sales tax in this country. Since I was exporting the bike, I could avoid the tax and I paid half-price
for a 1969 Triumph 650 motorcycle. If
you look in my garage there is a 1969 Triumph 650 bike sitting next to its
progeny, a newer Triumph, more recently purchased in Reno , Nevada .
I could write a book on that trip,
but I’ll spare you. The photos I found
were just reminders of a great adventure a very long time ago.
I'd buy & read that book.
ReplyDeleteThat might be an interesting project. It was sure an interesting trip, Chuck. I'll give you the first copy.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos. Have many more ?
ReplyDeleteYes. I don't where they are, but I do have a record of that trip and a helmet with stickers from each country I traveled through. I lost all my papers, records, passport, money, and all important info, along with my camera, in Pisa, Italy. Months after I returned, the Italian police found the stuff and shipped it to me. It was not all fun, but not many adventures are all fun.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is interested, I have many stories of those days of my youth. Can't remember what I did yesterday, though.
Don't quit now. We want the "rest of the story"! All the details with nothing left out!!!!!
DeleteIf you can't remember it all "make it up"!!!!
Ed -
ReplyDeleteThere are always enough true stories that can be exaggerated or amplified that I rarely have to make anything up. But I'll look for my notebook, map, and photos to see what might be interesting.
The "rest of the story" is that I came home and got married.
Ralph: Great story on your Triumph ride through Europe. Wow 100% tax. We're half way there, did that thought ever cross your mind that in the USA half of your money would go to tax? The good news is that when we get to 100% tax here in the USA our shoe buying problems will be solved and happily for most men, just one choice from one supplier and no need to do that tedious comparison shopping for the best price. Another great thing no more wasted weekends going from mall to mall to help my wife find just the right color of shoe for her new spring outfit. Wow it just get's better no wasting time dreaming of the new technology with the new motorcycle models you can keep your hopes and dreams focused on keeping your ox healthy and fed so your wife has something to haul her hay with. I am thrilled that I will have the road to myself soon only needing to dodge ox carts. Of course I am kidding and will fight for and earn the privilege to have unrestricted mobile Internet so I can post to your blog with my iPhone and ride the countryside and visit dozens of malls each with dozens of shoe stores with my wife on the back of my Triumph Trident Full Dress EFI Rocket. Zooming around and through our shining cities on the hill. Great blog Ralph, keep up the great work. I am eager for your next post.