Ralph Higgins

Ralph Higgins
color pencil sketch by Gayle Higgins

Quotes I Like

“Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

-Albert Einstein


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Everyone rides Harleys. So I ride Triumphs.

The sun has finally come out in Quincy. After snow even in June, it’s time to start riding my trusty Triumph motorcycle. I’ve taken some short jaunts between storms, but we are heading into the second week of June and it’s motorcycle time in the beautiful Sierra Mountains.

Here’s a shot of the newer of my Triumph motorcycles in our driveway in Discovery Bay. I also have a 1969 Triumph, which is identical to the one I bought in Denmark and rode through Europe in 1969. Someday maybe I’ll write something about that trip. I lived on that bike for weeks on end traveling through nine countries, including Yugoslavia when Tito ran the place.

Ahhh, to be young again. But even old guys ride motorcycles, as the photo proves.


  1. Now Ralph, honestly what's a motorcycle got to do with Marriage & Family. Oh, I get it it keeps you from being trapped in the garage. Great idea and get's you out of Gayle's hair as well.


  2. Malcolm -
    You figured it out, but don't tell Gayle.

  3. Gayle probably planted the idea!

  4. Malcolm - I should have figured that out when she cleaned the windshield and gave me money for gas.
